Let Freedom.....

While in sunny Philadelphia for Commencement (mine), Lina, Dad, and I walked quite a bit. Although we did take the grimy yet effective Broad Street Subway North to South and South to North to reduce trotting time to do something much more enjoyable...to eat and drink beer at the City Tavern. North Philadelphia to Center City is pretty much a long walk with not much to see.

The City Tavern, if this be a tourist trap, let me get caught. There, a rebuilt structure, the wait staff dress in Colonial garb and serve dishes from that era. I had the Meat Pie and I have to say it was major yumm.

I particularly enjoyed my ale sampler served on a paddle of sorts...the recipes were from the Founding Fathers themselves. Nice, let freedom belch! Our waiter was also refreshingly frank about what was good and what was lame food-wise. He steered me away from Martha Washington's Turkey Pot Pie...although an authentic recipe, it was nothing to die for.

The Ales, however, were quite delish. Here is the link to the Yards Brewing Company "Ales of the Revolution." One of the recipes was for Benjamin Franklin's "Poor Richard's Tavern Spruce." Benjamin Franklin said, "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." Though I doubt that God's highest aim for us is happy in the contemporary sense of having no worries, no pain, no hassles, I do think that beer is a gift of God.


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