Free in Christ?

Acts 20:35

"Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive."

I have seen a trend in the Church. It is a spirit of expecting resources for free. We will download sermons, read articles on the web about the faith, and etc. We don't give much of a though of who just paid for us to do that. I call it Christian Socialism. It is part of a larger trend of how the internet has really changed the rules.

The demise of the newspapers has been the result of people being able to get the same information elsewhere for free. "Why pay for it?" is a common response. It used to be that the newspaper was one of the few sources of information. That was also back in the day when people probably never traveled more than 100 miles from their house, worked the same job for life, and had no other sources of information than nosey Mildred down the way who made it her business to be in the know of others' lives.

Today, if the newspaper is to be read at all, it has to offer a certain and unique perspective on issues that cannot be attained elsewhere. Since mainstream media is dominated by the Libs who practice group think, there is little insight.

Also, much of the news is same thing, different day. Someone gets shot in the city, a conservative politician in Washington D.C. get outed for adultery by having a staff member perform salacious duties, sometimes even on the clock, and the like. Newspapers let the technological Trojan Horse in behind the walls, with little comprehension how the "free" internet information would create a web-like trap for their business model. So be it.

I pretty sure that newspapers are destined to die like the dinosaur. Too big, too slow. The rules of survival has changed. It is either adapt or get caught in a tar pit. The future is electronic media, perhaps made to look like old media, but under-girded by 21st century technology.

Christians could show that we are truly different be paying up rather than poaching in this new realm of high access without accountability to pay. Let non-Christians and those who cannot afford the resources get them for free. Today, think about where you could send some money. The contribution should be something you can afford. Remember, a little is a lot in the Lord's hands.


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