"Truth" vs "truth"


There has been one of those mini-firestorms on Facebook to a posting of a friend of mine. It is a video of a theological critique of Post-Modernism and the Emergent Church. I know two of the theologians (Ravi and R.C.---like I am on a first name basis with either one of them). I had to confirm, through some brief internet investigation, that the third is Albert Mohler. Ravi and R.C. have long been favorites of mine; I come across A. Mohler's work on occasion. I don't seek him out for whatever reason.

Albert Mohler does take some unnecessary shots at the dress of adherents of the Emergent Church...that was uncalled for...although it seemed to be something the audience liked...and his general train of thought about "The Ooze." We have to be exceedingly careful and compassionate about what battles we pick here...and physical dress should come somewhere below on the list of number 178 "washing behind your ears." As long as the dress is not immodest, sacrilegious, or out and out unwashed and skanky, let it go man. Don't waste you cred on it.

The firestorm on FB has taken on a decidedly old vs young battle-line. The younger respondents see these theologians are cold-hearted, arrogant, and critical...and probably modern-day Pharisees. Us older war horses see men who have faithfully proclaimed God's word systematically (i.e. Orthodoxy). I also share these three theologians serious concerns about Post-Modernism and the Emergent Church.

For all of its heart being perhaps in the right place (loving people), the Emergent Church--its more extreme adherents in particular--are dismissive of theological clarity and embrace some "spirit" of fellowship devoid of "objective" content. The doctrine? No doctrine. It reminds me of encountering a dude out on the streets of Haight-Asbury in San Francisco who I tried to witness to, and he gave me a "Jesus, is cool, man" like he was a just one more guru flashing a peace sign rather than being our Peace. Either through too many drugs and/or his own philosophy, I could not get the guitar playing dude to come to the point where Jesus was anything more than an enlightened Hippie.

Since I study Educational Psychology, I am well-versed in the tenets of Post-Modernistic thought. The technical term for it in the field of cognition is "Constructivism." It means all of us as individuals, groups, and societies, construct truth according to our own subjective experiences. So, it really can boil down to "Your truth is your truth and my truth is my truth." No outside agency--be it God, the Bible, your Mama, or any other person, place, of thing--has any absolute right to make truth claims.

It does not take long for chaos to ensue when this is the case. The only appeal left is an appeal to power...which is whoever is bigger, has more votes, more money to pump in a special interest PAC, wins...whether or not the truth claims comport with Truth with a capital 'T." This has very dangerous implications for a world out of control. You apply brakes and steer to get such a vehicle back on track. Yet, when the difference between what is the road and what is not the road get fogged over, get ready for a rough ride.

Iran's Odious Oligarchy, I surmise, is going to cause the crash that might engulf us all...but hey, who am I to question their truth?


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