Pipe Dream

Romans 8:22

"For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now."

Yesterday, when I wrote my blog on the song "Something is Always Wrong" is was hoping that it would tourniquet the bleeding of wrong for a season. I was hoping God would scatter the troubles because I was embracing admirably the portion of pain that was being served up.

Like, "Eric gets it....no need to crank up the problem index." Trouble waxes and wanes and I was seeking low tide for a bit. Well, almost no sooner than after pushing "Publish Post" to yesterday's blog, I went downstairs down into the basement to lift weights.

What I saw distressed me: the makings of a pool to swim in! Not looking to have an aquatic center in my basement.

"Yippee" was not the first word out of my mouth. Lina and I have known for some time (not long enough though) that the inbound plumbing in our house is something called "Quest." It turns out that this piping is defective. Or as a web site states, "It is not a matter of it going bad. It is a question of when." In the three years in living in our house, there has not been an issue with it. Uneasily, I was hoping that we would beat the odds through some anomaly.

Yesterday, was the first time we had the odds beat us. A T-piece of plumbing had sprung a leak. I am hoping that this is not the open shot in a Naval battle like Trafalgar.

We had the house "inspected" before we purchased the property. The inspector identified some issues of importance, but relatively minor compared to the plumbing piping being defective.

In doing some research, I have come to the understanding that the class-action lawsuit was ended in 2005. This was before we had bought the property. The inspector should have known that this was a major issue and put the brakes on the purchase until the issue could be resolved and addressed. I know that we would have not bought the property as is. The estate probably would have tried to pawn it off on another poor sucker.

I don't remember the dude having a French accent but he is sure reminding me of this character and quote: Inspector Jacques Clouseau: "I ruin everything I touch."

Having pipes behind walls ready to burst reminds me of walking around a firework factory with matches, arbitrarily throwing lit matches onto piles of explosives. It is not a matter of the fireworks going off or not, it is matter of when. Exploding water behind walls...yes siree, Surf's Up.

Recently, in addition to the Dissertation travails, I have been in a protracted battle with:

- A corporate entity Electronic Payment Systems. We prevailed after I pointed out gaping holes in their esteemed contract. To their credit, they resolved the matter fairly...but it took a lot of energy to get them to do so.

- The Lancaster Police force. Our car was "Hit and Runned" on New Years Eve and we got the dude's license plate. So far, the Police are seemingly not inclined to address the matter. I know the police have their hands full...c'mon cops, this is not exactly super-sleuthing here. You have the license plate. What else do you need?

- Now we have a conflict with this inspector and our former real estate agent.

A common stream in all of these issues are that we are on the receiving end of another entities' incompetence, poor ethics, or downright wickedness (the dude who hit us and then sped away like a coward). I have no problem with people making mistakes, I make plenty of them. What I cannot abide is crawling away like a snake. Though, his mistake seemed particularly idiotic as he had at least 25 feet in front of himself to pull out. Just compounds the stupidity and evil. EPS and the Lancaster city police, did or are doing the crawl. I will amend this if the police do their job.

Can't wait to see the inspector and the real estate agent do the snake slither. Legalese and obfuscation are serpent-like traits. We having a nation of Clintonites who now how to use the words like "is" to both answer and evade. At least Clinton had the honesty to reveal and not conceal the choice. Although, it was clear what the "is" meant and that is why Clinton lost my respect for what it is worth. I have worked with my share of juvenile delinquents...what does it say about a nation that elects a man like that President?

I hate to think how much it is going to cost to tear out all of the drywall, replace the plumbing, repair the drywall, and paint. It is almost enough to make me cry. A cool outcome was that a good buddy of mine, a plumber, who needs the work, was able to come out yesterday to fix the mess. We were able to be a blessing to each other. God's grace was there in the broken pipe.

When I was 17, I basically viewed the world as one big downer. I was, in the words of that old Negroe spiritual "Old Man River" I was "Tired of living but scared of dying." I know that it sounds presumptuous for a 17 year old to think that...but I had swallowed my share of hurt by the age of 17 and was drowning.

When Christ came to me (I couldn't have come to Him I was so lost), He gave me Himself. I could relate to a Saviour who suffered. Rather than escaping from the world on top of some mountain top where he would spew advice like a broke pipe, Jesus took the cross, the thorns, the nails, and the whips, of a creation in rebellion against her Creator. A wretched tide.

All of Creation is broken. God promises that a river of righteousness arising out of Jesus's resurrection has come and is coming (already and not yet). It will explode against evil in full force in due time. Until then, we are to fight the Waves of Plagues. I am doing my part.


Luke said…
Eric, Thank you for reminding me that Christ has risen! He is risen, indeed!

I can't help but think of the verse from the hymn "This Is My Father's World":

This is my Father's world,
And let me ne'er forget
That though the wrong seem oft' so strong
God is her ruler yet.
This is my Father's world,
The battle is not done.
Jesus who died shall be satisfied
And earth and heaven be one.

Grace and Peace.
Eric Bierker said…
Thanks...I find myself of going back to Francis Schaeffer over and over again in these issues...a man who knew the times and knew God.

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