True Friend

2 Samuel 1:26

"I am distressed for thee, my brother Jonathan: very pleasant hast thou been unto me: thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women."

David mourned the death of both Saul and his son Jonathan after their deaths in battle. David's mourning for Saul shows David at his best. Saul either directly (by chucking spears and the like) or indirectly (through battle placement and etc.) tried to have David offed many a time. David could have mocked Saul in death instead he honors a man who was truly less than honorable in many ways. The victor is noble when he does not mock the vanquished.

Jonathan, however as compared to Saul, was an honorable man. He would not support his father Saul's designs of destruction towards David. Jonathan knew that David was the Lord's anointed and that Saul's reign was setting as the sun. Jonathan's loyalty (really love, a pure love with no homo-erotic intentions) to David was not self-serving. In many instance it put him in mortal danger, as Saul's wrath could come his way at any time. Saul, being an intemperate man, was quite capable of filicide (killing one's own child) towards Jonathan, the disloyal son who had not sided with Saul in his mechanization of malice to David. Prideful men are dangerous men.

Jonathan is brought to death by the actions of his father in battle. Sometimes the innocent suffer in their obedience and duty to unjust people and causes. They serve, not out of loyalty to the cause, but to God who calls them to throw their fate into the common lot of men. Great wisdom is needed to know whether it is wise to join such ill-fated endeavors or to not book passage on such a ship destined to sink. Perhaps God calls us to be a witness as the waters rise to consume the wayward ship.

True friends are hard to come by. I have a test to see who is truly a friend. I don't do it to just test friendship but it is a side benefit. When planning to move, I give people ample time to clear and adjust their schedules and ask them to help me move. I see who shows up and take note.

The ones who do show are confirmed like Facebook as friends (with much more certainty). This is not to say that all who do not show up are not my friends. People legitimately have conflicts that cannot be resolved. However, it is very unlikely that someone who is not a friend of mine will help me move. Unless, he or she wants to steal my stuff amid the move or has greater designs for betrayal down the road. Most thieves don't think ahead like that. And, the ones who do are truly the most dangerous and diabolical.

Now, don't ask people to help you move with a day notice and expect anyone to show up. Poor planning is not a good test. Some people just help others move because they have helping spirits. They are the most saintly among us. If a relative stranger helps you move, make that person a friend. You both will be well served.

I really like what Matthew Henry says about David and Jonathan in his commentary on this verse above, and about friendship in general:

[1.] That nothing is more delightful in this world than a true friend, that is wise and good, that kindly receives and returns our affection, and is faithful to us in all our true interests.

[2.] That nothing is more distressful than the loss of such a friend; it is parting with a piece of one's self. It is the vanity of this world that what is most pleasant to us we are most liable to be distressed in. The more we love the more we grieve.

Take great consolation today that Jesus was known as a "Friend of Sinners." What was intended to be a term of derision and scorn is the basis for our salvation. To not be cutesy or cliche, the old hymn had it so right, "What a friend we have in Jesus."


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