What Teens Really Need

I see a lot of what the Christian "gurus to youth" (speakers, musicians, writers) produce. Honestly, I have to wonder if us acting like goofballs to try and convey life lessons is self-defeating. It seems that we are more intent in garnering laughs and applause than in making a significant contribution to the well-being of kids' lives. It is like an all desert and no peas approach. I won't get into why I am on this rant but I have good reasons.

I am convinced that kids need less entertainment...even what is now termed "edutainment." It is not that we can't have fun and joke around but it should be in the context of seriousness. Sheesh, act like an adult already.

Our culture seems intent on mastering the art of irony and sarcasm and we think that when we develop this posture that kids when be more attentive to our message. Well, I have news for you. The media moguls of the world will always beat us at that game. They will be funnier, hipper, and more sarcastic/ironic than we will ever be. For us to try and play catch up is a waste of time.

How about actually shutting our traps and hogging the spotlight and listen? Even though it is not glam and won't get us on You Tube, most kids need adults to listen to them...not act like a supersized version of themselves in these youth conferences and rallys.


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