Cutting Back

I have been on a kick of reducing my caloric intake. Fortunately, coffee (unlike beer) is calorie free if one drinks it straight black (as I do). I am trying to adhere to the principles of the South Beach Diet where the first phase of the diet is to strictly reduce the Carbs to under 25 grams a day. After switching the body over to the fat burning mode to reduce one's weight to the desired level, one can reintroduce good Carbs (non-refined...think white) back into the diet. The Adkins Diet espouses some of the same principles but generally advises to stay away from all Carbs in general (which is unhealthy in my book). Carbs are the gas in the body. No Carbs, no gas. But as long as one has layers of fat to lose, fat is excellent fuel.

The South Beach Diet generally works for me but I have to watch dropping the weight only to put it back on through all those tempting refined Carbs that the American food industry peddles like crack.


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