Fear Not

The other night, I awakened around 2:30...as is often the case, I was up for a time. I often do my best and worst thinking this time of night. In the solitude and silence, my heart speaks. Sometimes my heart is at peace and I breezily drift back to sleep after a few minutes. Sometimes fear comes like a rustling wind and I am up for awhile. Then I worry that I am up, that I am going to be tired the next day...as so on.

The worst fear? The unknown and the known together. What I do know distempers me like left jabs from a boxer; the unknown is the right hook that follows that I don't see coming.

When I am up like this, I typical trudge over to my office and either pull out the Bible or something of a biblical nature and read. I figure if the evil one is behind my lack of being asleep because of my cares in this fallen world, the best way to redeem this time is to seek Christ in His Word. What is meant for evil turns out to be good for God is in it. Joseph's refrain is one that should always be my default.

I have been fearful these days b/c the trouble I see all around me. Since I work with students, I see their lives kind of like windows into our future. They are growing up in an unstable, uncertain, and dangerous world. I worry for them; I fear my responsibility of trying to make their paths less treacherous and more sure. I feel thinly spread like butter on toast (Bilbo paraphrase). My sense of being thin in time and space needs to find depth in Christ's eternal reserves.

Too many of us put our faith in the god of government rather that God's government. When the Big Three automakers (no longer so big) come to a broke government that is trillions of dollars in debt and begs for monetary bread, it makes me wonder why we don't see the truth...how can a broke and severely in arrears U.S. government (the most destitute beggar in the world) secure anything? By our sword...like an armed bank robber? Same is true of the mortgage crisis. Paper money is only as valuable as the sovereign it represents. And dead men (mostly presidents) hardly can assist us. The FDIC might as well stand for Fools Deprived of Income and Deposits.

But, God's Word can and does. It has currency that is based on Christ's merit. Now that is paper with some serious assets backing it up. The infinite, the eternal...some deep pockets here.

When I was awake I opened the account of Christ without knowing what gold and silver I'd discover...I came to Isaiah 41: 10. "Fear Not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

"Fear Not"
is one of the most common statements in the Bible from God to His people. In Revelation 1:17 Jesus tells John, "Fear not; I am the First and the Last." "Fear Not" has been my answer to the crisis around and in me. With God's allowance and my soul's deposit...I went back to sleep. Secure.


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