I'm Back! (sort of...hack, hack)

Like the mummy from the crypt, I rise again from the doldrums of nonblogdum. Coolness is definitely moving in the Facebook direction. It is pretty egocentric to think that others might find my musings interesting on a blog whereas I can throw out a quick scrap of info onto my Facebook wall and it doesn't take any great effort to read it or digest it. Kind of like applesauce.

Rebounding from being sick. Emotionally, I crashed Friday night in a calvacade of anger, frustration, and sadness. Like lightning, thunder, and rain. It was a pretty massive storm. Yet, God has used it for my good. To learn my limits and weakness is always a good thing.

I like what Eugene Peterson writes in The Message about Paul's passage in 2nd Cor. concerning the "thorn in the flesh."

"Satan's angel did his best to get me down; what he did in fact was push me to my knees."

Amen Brother Eugene (kind of like a wise grandfather who writes encouraging notes to his grandkids)


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