My Heart Aches

I am sinning right I type. My heart aches because it is troubled. Because it is troubled, that is why I am sinning. Jesus tells me that my heart should not be troubled; that I should believe in Him. But, I answer, "Lord, I do believe." Maybe, I need to believe more. Or, believe in a different way. I am not sure.

It has been a hard week at work (pulled 3 twelve hour days thus far this week just to not fall behind more) and I don't want to be glib and say something I don't mean like "Tough times don't last but tough people do." Or some other sub-Christian cliche crapola. I'd rather says that it takes "A tough man to make a tender chicken" an old ad line of Frank Perdue--a man who not only sold chicken but looked like a chicken. The last line was just thrown in to make this otherwise ponderful blog entry more entertaining.

I do have to admit that this world causes me to be chicken sometimes. I wonder how all of the brokeness will be redeemed.

I been thinking about the shattered glass of the picture frame and the image of God that is likewise shattered in us. I can try and tape or glue up the glass but it will stay broken and even look much worse due to my botched repair job. I suppose the only way broken glass can be made whole again is by extreme heat. The fiery trials that Peter writes of do the same to our souls.


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