A Long Run

Still sweating from my four mile run to Lake Grubb and back. I have a classic love/hate relationship with this route. It is a challenging run, full of big hills, up and down.

Running downhill sometimes seems harder in a than running uphill. Kind of like success...easy to lose our footing when we have some momentum. Pride cometh before the fall type of deal.

When I run uphill, I don't look at the destination. I looks at my feet and take it one step at time. I get discouraged when I see how long the hill is...I don't focus on the problem, I focus on the solution. I move my feet.

What I do appreciate about this run is that by its very nature it is difficult. I don't have to run extra fast to get a work out or go for miles and miles. Four hard miles, at a moderate pace, for 40 minutes. Over and out. Done deal.

It is said that life is a marathon and not a sprint...I think it should be more like a series of hard four mile runs.

Hebrews 12:1

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.


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