He Is Heavy, He's My Brother

Some of the most eco-aware and healthiest individuals are Liberals who shop at organic Farmer's Markets, Whole Foods Stores, and frequent Vegan Restaurants. Waif-like.

Conservatives have a tendency to gravitate to chicken fried steak, ham loaf, sloppy triple-decker burgers with bacon. Gut busting meals.

Quite a paradox...Liberals are more restrained and Conservatives are more gluttonous in their eating patterns. Somehow the words lose their meaning when applied to food.

In fact, it seems that the more church attending a young adult is, the heavier they are in middle age. As explained in this recent article, Praise the Lard?.

Gives another meaning to the saying "Feed me Lord." Whatever this indicates, it is not good. We in the Church need to take a hard look in the mirror on this issue and do some belt-tightening.

Philippians 3:19

Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things.


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