Angry Birds

Angry Birds is the number one selling iPhone App. At 99 cents, I suppose it is a worthwhile purchase for some. Not me.

I made a vow when I got my iPhone that I would never pay for an App unless absolutely necessary. I have bought two--a GPS Tom-Tom App and a Homebrewing App that calculates amounts of ingredients, time, and the other quantitative elements of making beer. Like I said, necessary.

I, as a rule, don't get into game playing, on the phone or otherwise (i.e. board games) I call them Bored Games, and my apathy is really just a Potemkin Village front for my fear of incompetence. The piggies stole my grub...I am just a loser, a failure, a nobody.

Speaking of grub getting stolen, today two real angry birds were having a mid-air dogfight of sorts at close range with something--like a worm--being contested. The birds were a couple of feet off of the road as I came driving up. If I had continued going the speed limit of 40 mph, the birds would have been grilled indeed by the front of my car. As it was, I took mercy and braked until they got out of the way.

How often to we fight over worms and neglect much more serious and weightier issues? The taste of worm in the mouth as one lies crushed along the side of the road is hardly consolation. Major in the majors, do not major in the minors. The majors: Justice, Mercy, and Humility.

Micah 6:8

He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.


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