Shaving on the Sabbath

Sundays, when I shave, I just shave under my chin and my neck. I let the rest of the face heal and whiskers grow. The only reason I shave where I do is because the scruff itches and it bothers me unless I shave it off. Very practical. Getting nicked and cut by life's razor is the metaphor that I am trying to illustrate. Put the shaver down for a day. Let the face heal, sport some whiskers.

We can really get all screwy when we think about the Sabbath. What is legit, what is not. The primary principle to keep in mind it that it is for humans' rest to contemplate God and His goodness.

In the spirit of application in this blog, here are some things to think about in reference to the Sabbath.

- Do you take a day off a week to cease from work that really needs to be done at another time? Too many people use Sunday to clean up things they could and should have addressed at some other time during the week. If you need Sunday as a rule to catch up on your To-Do List, you are too busy. Or need better time-management. Or enhanced skill development.

- If it was up to me, I would elimate Sunday School. What this time often turns into is more work for more people who should really be resting. And calling it school? Pastors need to work on Sundays, it is their jobs. Laymen should not. I think teaching during the week might be a better time for instruction and discussion.

- Dress down on Sundays. It makes me wonder why men put on suits and ties to go to Church. That reminds me of work. Who are we trying to impress? There is a difference between being relaxed in dress versus being slovenly. God would rather your heart be adorned rather than your body while in worship.

- Don't bother doing dishes on Sunday. We do generate some work just by living on Sundays, but it does not mean that the work needs to be done on Sunday. Better yet, go out to lunch or dinner. Proprietors will appreciate the business and these workers can take their break on a different day during the week (or should). Tip extravagantly.

- If you need to do something, like get gas for your car, just do it. Sometimes work is unavoidable. 

- Save difficult discussions for a different day. That verse about not letting the sun go down on your anger means that you should intend in your heart to not hold onto your anger by embracing a spirit of reconciliation yet that does not mean you have to actually engage in that discussion on the Sabbath.

- Do something you enjoy on Sunday. If bowling makes you relax, roll on. Recreation is re-creation. A sense of play on the Sabbath can be extremely restful. Read a book, fish, whatever. Or blog.



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